Fake fashion is a $450 billion dollar business. The bigger the brand name, the bigger the payoff for counterfeiters such as fake Louis Vuitton bags. Its signature series of canvas monogram bags is a prime target for knock-off artists and manufacturers. Many of these counterfeit Louis Vuitton bags are so convincing, they easily fool the average consumer. If you are in the market for the real deal, here's how to make sure you're not getting gypped.
Step 1: The Price Is Wrong
Louis Vuitton monogram canvas bags run from $375 and up, with the majority of the bags selling for over $1000. If you're buying a brand new Louis Vuitton bag for less than $300, you're not getting a deal, you're getting a fake.
Step 2: What's In A Name?
If there is an "LV" anywhere on the bag that is crooked or on a stitch or seam, it is not the real thing. The "LV" on a real Louis Vuitton purse will be carefully placed on the bag so that it's not cut off by a seam or snap. Besides the famous initials being monogrammed onto the bag itself, the zipper pull and purse snaps will all be branded as well. The zipper pull should also be brass hardware and heavy to the touch. Many imitators pay attention to the details so make sure you're paying even closer attention. If the seams are uneven or the monogram is the slightest bit off, it's a fake. Louis Vuitton bags are all hand crafted and each one is perfectly assembled. Spend some time on the manufacturer's website to study the details that make the bag authentic.
Step 3: Material Matters
The Louis Vuitton monogram bags are made of canvas but the handles and piping are natural cowhide leather. The color of the leather should be a light tan, with the edge dyed red and the stitching in yellow. After a few weeks of handling your bag, the leather handles will oxidize and fade to a darker brown. If your leather handles don't change color, it's a fake.
Step 4: Location
Louis Vuitton doesn't have any authorized street resellers so resist these so called "deals" they are trying to sell you. Also be careful when buying bags online, although you can find authentic Louis Vuitton bags, there are also a plethora of fakes. Pay attention to the seller feedback and ask about buyer protection and the return policy. One website that is authorized to sell Louis Vuitton bags is www.eluxury.com.
Step 5: Trust Your Gut
When it comes down to it, go with your gut. If you feel funny about where or how much you're paying, walk away. For more information about how to tell the authenticity of a Louis Vuitton bag, visit a Louis Vuitton retailer or call the headquarters at 212-758-8877 in the USA.
Also known as:
* (How Do I Spot A Fake Louis Vuitton Bag)
* (Fake Or Real Louis Vuitton Bag?)

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